Finding the best payday loans means finding the types of loans that will best serve you. Most lenders offer a good service, but depending on how fast you want your money will determine whom you choose. There are so many companies offering cash advances, but the best for you must be determined by the time you can allow.
Most all lenders ask for the same information. You have requirements as to age and job. You must be at least 18 years old and must have a steady job or other way that you get monthly money. Be aware that having a checking account is essential. Your postdated check will be expected if you are applying for your loan in person, or access to your account if you are online.
If you need to borrow the max of $1500, you must have a monthly income of about $1000. There is no such thing as bad credit to these lenders who really don’t do the credit checks that other lenders require.
Your application for a loan of this kind is simple and easy. The questions include your SS number and address of employer as well as your information, address and telephone number. There is really not much to it and can be done in 10 minutes or so.
When you want your money is important, because the fees will vary. If you need your money within an hour after approval, your loan can be deposited for a fee of $25-$30 per hundred borrowed. Your $1500 dollar loan will cost you about $1875 when it comes due. Other rates are offered by some companies if you are a first-time borrower. If you need your money later in the week, you may even get a loan for the flat rate of $18 per hundred borrowed. Shop around and know which is best for you!
You should know about the repayment of your loan. The lender will want a postdated check if you make your transaction in person. The online lender will use your bank account information to withdraw the sum of money agreed upon during the loan process. This will be the loan amount plus the borrowing fee. This is an easy process.
Now the term of the loan is at the end and you find that you can’t afford to pay the loan off. Well, most lenders understand these binds and offer extension for their customers in need. Inquire what terms need to be met when you are shopping for the best deal. The phone book and Internet list many lenders of payday loans. There is a lot of information available about the process.
The best payday loan- is the one that provides you with the money and the service that you need. Sometimes you might need that little extra help and by asking friends or coworkers if they have a recommendation, can be a big help to lead you in the right direction. Take advantage of the numerous places for obtaining information and good luck in your selection. Find the best!